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来源:新疆中医药 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-08
摘要:2.2 Analysis on regional climate characteristics of Wuhan The regional climate of Wuhan is the external factor of the outbreak. Wuhan is located in the center of China's hinterland and at the intersec

2.2 Analysis on regional climate characteristics of Wuhan

The regional climate of Wuhan is the external factor of the outbreak. Wuhan is located in the center of China's hinterland and at the intersection of the Yangtze River and Hanjiang River. It is one of the largest cities with the richest water resources in the world. Wuhan belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate,with abundant rainfall,sufficient sunshine,concentrated precipitation and humid 's special geographical location and humid climate characteristics are the external conditions of the ,the 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia is mainly "wet". Wuhan is the largest inland water,land and air transportation hub in China,known as the "thoroughfare of nine provinces",and has great population mobility,which is also the key factor leading to the rapid spread of the epidemic in China and even the world.

2.3 Analysis of individual physical factors

The novel coronavirus pneumonia is the intrinsic factor of deficiency of the body and heavy humidity. Suwen · on Needling Method says:"healthy Qi is stored inside,and evil cannot be done." Lingshu · the Beginning of All Diseases said:"wind,rain,cold,heat can not be empty,and evil can not only hurt people." Deficiency of healthy Qi is the decisive factor leading to the invasion of pathogenic Qi into human body. Although the population is generally susceptible to the epidemic,the death rate of the elderly with deficiency of basic diseases is the highest. The local people's diet is not festival,and they like to eat fat,sweet and thick taste food,hindering the spleen to transport dampness,generally with more heavy internal humidity. Yang Jiayao et al. analyzed the TCM syndromes and constitutions of 90 patients with common COVID-19,and found that the main TCM syndromes were moderate Jiao with dampness obstruction and cold and dampness attack on the lung,while phlegm and dampness,Qi deficiency,blood stasis and dampness and heat were the main constitutions. It can be seen that COVID-19 patients were mostly heavy with dampness,resulting in the combination of internal and external dampness and the onset of the disease.

3 Pathogenesis analysis

The evil Qi,coming from the nose,first attacks the lung. The pathogenesis of the epidemic is mainly characterized by dampness,and the disease location is mainly in the lung. Most traditional Chinese medicine scholars have no doubt about this,but there are still some differences in other pathogenesis characteristics and disease location.

3.1 Pathogenesis characteristics

The novel coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan (trial version third) indicates that the basic pathogenesis of the novel coronavirus pneumonia is "wet,hot,toxic,and stasis",and the relevant contents of the disease location and basic pathogenesis characteristics are deleted from the fourth,fifth,sixth editions. Zheng Wenke and others analyzed the "plan" of each region,and "cold" is not obvious in the "plan" of each region. The epidemic disease is mainly characterized by "dampness,heat,toxin,blood stasis and deficiency". Although there are differences in the expression of the scheme,it basically conforms to the pathogenesis characteristics of "dampness,heat,toxin and blood stasis". In addition to "dampness,heat,toxin,stasis" pathogenesis characteristics,some scholars think there are other pathogenesis characteristics. Professor liang-duo jiang "gas is not taken for jin is the key pathogenesis,points out the current treatment did not attach enough importance to" gas is not taken for jin,don'tthink gas is taken not only appeared deficiency syndrome,tianjin,can appear more phlegm dampness,phlegm heat bizu jet card,its emphasis on COVID - 19 treatment cannot be mud in the training of the ancients "cure energizer feather",should be used for the deficiency of lung closed heavy dose of astragalus membranaceus can pick up the slack.

3.2 Understanding of disease location

① From the point of view of determining the disease location of the five zang organs,it has been agreed that the disease location is mainly in the lung and spleen. The lung is delicate,and it is easy to be injured by the dry and cold nature of pestilence pathogen. The dry nature of the lung Qi is often manifested as dry cough;the spleen is evil,and is easy to be committed by the nature of pestilence and dampness. The spleen is dampness,and the ascending and descending of the spleen and stomach are maladjusted,with poor appetite and loose stools. Severe patients with damp heat disease with phlegm can sink into the pericardium,the location of the disease is from the lung and heart,and the spirit is lost. Some scholars believe that the disease location is in the lung,spleen,liver and gallbladder,and that the epidemic is mainly damp heat,while liver and gallbladder damp heat has dry mouth and bitter mouth. ② According to the location of the six meridians,the most common diseases were Taiyang or taishaohe,and the critical patients were more sick,Shaoyin and Jueyin. ③ According to the location of Wei Qi Ying Xue,epidemic pathogens mainly stay in Qi Fen,while critical patients are more sick and Ying Xue Fen. ④ some scholars think that the initial stage of disease is in the upper Jiao membrane.

文章来源:《新疆中医药》 网址: http://www.xjzyyzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0708/1550.html


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