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来源:新疆中医药 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-07-08
摘要:4 Thinking of differentiation and treatment The existence of a variety of syndrome differentiation theory systems,such as the syndrome differentiation of six channels,the syndrome differentiation

4 Thinking of differentiation and treatment

The existence of a variety of syndrome differentiation theory systems,such as the syndrome differentiation of six channels,the syndrome differentiation of Wei Qi and Ying Blood,the syndrome differentiation of Three Jiao,and the syndrome differentiation of Zang Fu organs,has better guided the differentiation and treatment of the epidemic. Xue Boshou pointed out that this epidemic should follow Zhang Zhongjing's six meridian syndrome differentiation. He believed that this epidemic was a cold and dampness epidemic in Zhang Zhongjing's time,and stressed that ephedra should be used for cold and dampness epidemic. Yang Jiezhuo believed that solar typhoid syndrome was the initial stage of most COVID-19,and emphasized the use of micro-perspiration solution,such as Guizhi decoction,Ephedra decoction,Huoxiang Zhengqi powder,etc.,together with sipping hot porridge. Cold and cold drugs were forbidden to prevent the entraption of epidemic virus at this time. Lin Ju choose to analyze guangdong confirmed cases,such as that the outbreak follow the change law of wei qi camp blood,formed the camp who gas blood syndrome differentiation and visceral syndrome differentiation with the combination of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment plan,it considers the disease spread throughout the rules as follows:1) the early lung heat attack who see epidemic more point card,spleen and stomach syndrome epidemic hot attack who points,spleen and stomach syndrome epidemic hot gas straight points;2) In the middle stage,the syndrome of epidemic fever obstructing gas in the lung,the syndrome of epidemic fever closing camp in the lung,and the syndrome of epidemic heat encamping in two burnt;3) In the later period,the symptoms were mainly infectious fever burning camp liver syndrome and infectious fever bleeding distraction and envelop syndrome;4) The convalescence stage is mostly lung and spleen qi deficiency syndrome and Qi and Yin deficiency syndrome. Zhang Zailiang made a detailed analysis of the understanding of "epidemics" by doctors in successive dynasties,and believed that the Six Classics made laws for all kinds of diseases,which could not be doubted. The Six Classics included not only the methods of Wen and Disease,Qi,Ying and Blood,but also the methods of Jin Yuan doctors and Wu Youke. He believed that it was difficult to separate the six channels from the epidemic fever in clinical practice,and pointed out that Liu Hejian's Fangfeng Tongsheng San,Wu Youke's Dayuan Yin,Yang Lishan's lifting and lowering powder,and Wang Qingren's Detoxification and Huoxue Decoction were all the variants of the prescriptions of the six channels. Yang Jin believes that COVID-19 can be differentiated and treated according to the syndrome differentiation theory of Weiqi and Ying and Blood and the syndrome differentiation theory of Three Jiao,and the development law can be analyzed by using the syndrome differentiation theory of Six meridian. In addition,there are many established syndromes in Chinese medicine,and the treatment can be done by referring to the traditional principles and formulas.

5 Common prescriptions

The novel coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan (trial version Eighth) divides diseases into medical observation period and clinical treatment period. Chinese patent medicine is recommended in the period of medical observation;the general prescription "Qingfei Paidu Decoction" is recommended in the clinical treatment period,and the clinical treatment period is divided into light,common,severe,critical and recovery periods.

5.1 General prescription Qingfei Paidu Decoction

The composition of Qingfei detoxification soup is:Ephedra 9g,Zhi Glycyrrhizae 6g,Almond 9g,Gypsum 15-30g (decocted first),Guizhi 9g,Alisma alissima G,Zhuling 9,Atractylodonia 9g,Poria 15g,Bupleurum 16g,Radix Sutellaria 6g,Pinellia ginger 9g,Ginger 9g,Aster G,Donghua 9g,Shegan 9g,Asarum 9g,Yam 12g,Zhishi 6g,Tangerine peel 6g,Huoxiang 9g. It is recommended to add half a bowl of rice soup after taking each medicine,and one bowl more for those with dry tongue and body fluid deficiency. Qing-hu he thought such as clearing lung detoxification soup all party is by MaXingShi sweet soup,five three scattered,small bupleurum soup,shoot dry ephedra soup four by the party,the whole policy of cold,hot,wet,poison,the evil,medication XinWen and cool,pale and aromatic,with many method,fully focused on thin is not blocked,highlights to the pathogens to way of thinking,the whole party altogether plays xuan lung cough,wet,the effect of jiedu eliminate pathogenic heat. Xue Boshou believed that "lung-clearing and detoxification soup" was an innovative compound based on the fusion of Jingfang Ephedra Decoction and Wuling San. Zhao Jing et al. confirmed that Qingfei Detu Decoction can balance immunity and eliminate inflammation by regulating the protein co-expressed with angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and a series of signal pathways. And can target ribosomal protein and play an antiviral role. ACE2 is an important target of SARS-Co V-2 infection,which is consistent with the target of SARS-Co V infection in the organism. The sequence of SARSCo V-2 is highly similar to that of SARS-Co V.

文章来源:《新疆中医药》 网址: http://www.xjzyyzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0708/1550.html


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